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 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Bishops in the Family Tree  
2. Cemeteries The table below spans many pages and lists all the burial places/cemeteries in alphabetical order. It could come in handy when you visit cemeteries: Access it via a smart phone and you'll have an itinerary of tombs and gravestones to check out, sometimes even with the address of the plot. Click on a person's name in the table to see more information about that person, such as tomb/headstone photos and a map of the burial place. Here are some example burial places in the table below:
  • "Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home & Cemeteries" (≈ page 24) and "St. Louis Cemetery No. 3" (≈ page 49) show several of Jeff Vitter's New Orleans relatives — all above ground!
  • "Louisburg Cemetery" (≈ page 27) and "Wagstaff Cemetery" (≈ page 54) show several of Sharon (née Weaver) Vitter's Miami County, Kansas relatives.
  • "Cimetière de Salies-du-Salat" (≈ page 8) and "Salies-du-Salat" (≈ page 45) show several of the Artigues family members from France.
Cemetery names use the abbreviation "St." for "Saint"; however, city and parish/county names do not use a period in the abbreviation and thus use "St" for "Saint." For example, you should look up "St. John the Baptist Cemetery" for the cemetery by that name in Edgard, Louisiana and "St John the Baptist, Louisiana, USA" for the parish where it's located. "Saint" or "Sainte" is usually spelled out and not abbreviated in French, British, and Canadian names. There is unfortunately not yet a search capability. Nor can you choose the table column you want to sort by. We hope to incorporate these enhancements at some future point. You may also be interested to see the Headstones page, which pictures all the headstones in alphabetical order by person. 
3. Kings and Queens in the Family Tree  
4. Lest we forget. . . Military Service This report lists military service by individuals in the family tree. For privacy reasons, no information other than name is displayed for veterans who are living. 
5. Saints in the Family Tree  

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